‘Why do I stay here?’ by Rosie Kirk, age 15, Fallibroome Academy

Once, your fingertips traced constellations on my spine,
I craved you more,
My spine now aching, groaning,
Bones cracking, creaking,
Like the stained wooden floor.
Careful, not too loud, creep, tip-toe…
Be compliant,
Be reliant,
That strong yearning I had for you,
Why not anymore?
Smoke, again, fills the empty, hollow room,
Lighter. On. Off.
Coughing, spluttering,
TV. On. Off.
The flashing images printed into my skull,
So was your hand, your fist, your face,
Why are you so deceitful?
My throat still aches,
Where your hands gripped me,
And my knees,
My knees are coated with an invisible dirt,
That won’t break free.
Dark stains scattered across my skin,
Branded with your aggression,
“They’ll fade.” You say,
And I trust your soothing words!
I’ll miss it forever,
Your soft tenderness of touch,
The gorgeous chaos,
Of what I thought was everlasting