‘Saved’ by Alfie Godbold, Year 9, Thomas Clarkson Academy

I recall the night as if it were yesterday. I will never forget. That night of horror when I unconsciously found myself in a hostile environment. I was returning home from a late-night study session, buried in thought and exhausted, when I came face to face with a group of raucous teens. They were blocking the sidewalk, shouting and laughing as if they didn’t care about anything else. I tried to rush past them, but one of them noticed me and purposefully moved into my path. I shivered in horror because I knew what was coming next. I stood motionless, staring into the eye of danger, hoping and praying to survive this event.

The next thing I knew, he was towering over me, his eyes burning with anger. “What’s your problem, princess?” he snarled, his voice full of hatred. My heart was racing, and I attempted to explain that I was not looking for problems, but he wouldn’t listen. The scenario immediately worsened, with more of the group jumping in, around me and insulting me with insults. I felt confined and terrified, afraid of what would come next.

In that moment, I called on all of my strength and perseverance. I refused to back down or exhibit fear. Despite my best attempts, I could sense my emotions bubbling over. My fists tightened, my teeth crunched, and my vision blurred as adrenaline surged through my veins. It was as if time had stopped, and all that remained was the two of us, locked in a silent struggle.

But just when everything appeared to be getting out of control, something inside of me snapped back into focus. My grandma once told me, “Violence begets violence.” It was then that I saw that engaging in a violent altercation would only make matters worse. So, with a renewed sense of serenity and purpose, I took a big breath and started speaking.

“I don’t want to fight,” I stated forcefully yet gently. “I just want to go home.” The group leader snarled at me, but for a brief period, his rage appeared to subside. He looked around at his pals, then back at me, before backing away. The group dispersed, leaving me startled but unharmed.

As I walked away from the incident, I couldn’t help but reflect on how close I had been to losing control. But in that moment of crisis, something inside of me had changed. I realised that violence is often a cover for fear and uncertainty. It requires guts to defend oneself without resorting to violence. Sometimes finding common ground requires taking a deep breath and being willing to listen.

Looking back on that night, I am proud of myself for remaining calm under pressure and refusing to succumb to aggression. It was a difficult lesson to learn, but it has been with me ever since. In the end, it wasn’t about winning or losing; it was about figuring out how to get out of the situation without using violence.