‘Another Perspective’ by James Brightey, Year 10, Thomas Clarkson Academy

The thunder of war, a toxic plague,

Our instructions, orders all kept vague,

All turn blind, misguided eyes,

Some never to look back at once clear skies


We’d stumbled through those silenced streets,

Bodies lined up at our feet,

The plague of war, fed by death,

Suffocating like the crushing depth


My thoughts ran rampant through my head

It’s constantly filled with the purest dread,

This hazardous environment as my home,

Trapped within that infernal zone,


At night the nightmares fight the dreams,

A constant victory where evil schemes,

My mind a battlefield when my life’s at war,

The countless deaths. One single flaw,


Their fear preserved in lifeless faces,

Immortalised in those scorching blazes,

The pure, unfortunate, sinless, innocent,

A constant reminder to those I resent,


Why do we fight this raging storm?

As my regret and remorse finally form,

For honour or glory? A foolish excuse,

When at home I ponder, my life in recluse.