Hostility is everywhere; there is no escaping it. It is built into the foundations of our
surroundings and is woven into the rules and conditions that we live by. We live,
trapped in a ruin of what we once had and we lay, amidst the shadows of our past.
We can only pray for a glimpse of hope for a better world. A world we once had.
The feeling of ever-looming danger is thick in the air, making it ever harder to
breathe in this unforgiving world. The eerie silence surrounds our desolate wasteland
of a city, except for the sounds of my own footsteps which send shivers down my
back and into the soles of my feet. With every step I take, I feel a greater sense of
fear building in my chest, which only adds to the pressure in my lungs. A constant
reminder of our once constant destruction.
I live here, hidden away from this cruel world and even crueller inhabitants. Those
same animals who once ruled the world, were the very same monsters who came to
destroy it. I look out over the horizon, like a god looking down in horror on his own
creations. It always brings tears to my eyes to even think about the world that we
once ran; only ever knowing of the beauty it beholds from the stories written many
years before my time on this earth even began. Great masterpieces that tell of times
of a beautiful, everloving world where we could once roam without the dreaded fear
of our over-looming death. Beautiful cities that looked over beautiful evergreen,
everblooming landscapes with azure lakes that stretched as far as your eyes could
see.A kind place where people and animals lived in harmony with the world around
it. A wonderful world. Our world.
I am amongst the few survivors of this destruction of our world. I survived the
massacre that we never even imagined was ever possible in our wildest dreams let
alone our darkest nightmares. Nobody could ever have predicted the horrors that we
have unleashed, leaving only few to survive with great difficulty to just get by, whilst
the rest of our kind lay only in the few memories that we hold. Memories that are too
fresh and too painful to even recall so they stay forgotten along with our past home.
The truth that is so horrible that we still try to cover it up with just reasons to explain
what we did; we spent decades just to become the best, only to fall so far to become
the worst.
Hostility is everywhere, there is no escaping it. It was with us when we decided to
destroy our world and it will be with us in our dreaded future.That now has left us
scars from our past, scars from our present and most likely scars from the future. We
can only pray for a glimpse of hope for a better world. A world we once had.