Getting over borders is challenging and almost impossible. But there have been cases of people succeeding at this.
Countries create borders to protect their land. Most often they build walls and place officers to protect their land. An extreme example of this is the border Between America and Mexico, where there are officers, a wall and 4,000 troops guarding America’s land. Another example of this is in North and South Korea’s border where if you try to go over the border you can receive harsh interrogations, years of punishment or even death.
There are also borders that are difficult to cross but are not made up of walls, such as mountain ranges and seas/oceans. An example of this is the Pyrenees Mountains that separate France and Spain or the Alps that separate France and Italy. Some countries’ borders are rivers such as the one that separates Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. This river is made up of the Parana river and the Iguazu river.
There are ways to get into other countries without going through intense conditions such as applying for citizenship or getting a visa. Some countries are less strict and you only need a passport to enter their country.
Most people choose to cross borders to escape poverty and try to build a better life for themselves and/or their family. A good example of this is Mexican people crossing the American border to fulfil the American dream. In Mexico there are high poverty rates and low wages. In addition to what has been stated, it is very unsafe in Mexico due to their drug cartels and corrupt police. This would cause people to resort to crossing borders and risking their lives to attempt to build a better one for themselves. This could resort to extreme attempts to escape their home countries. Such as lying to officers and hiding in small spaces to escape.
The security at some borders is very high which makes the few cases of people escaping important and extraordinary. On the other hand if someone escapes they can be left traumatised for the rest of their lives. Such as people who escape from North Korea being shot at and chased by many men. Last year alone only 1,000 people managed to escape North Korea and gain their freedom again. This number decreases every year as troops realise how people escape and stop it from happening.
These situations can be life or death for the person.
If someone does escape then the county will try to punish them or find them and bring them back. In some countries if some escape there then the county will let them stay and not deport them back to their home country. These countries are very rare to find and almost no countries have this policy anymore.
It was much easier to leave countries in the past but as technology develops, it becomes increasingly harder for these people to gain the justice they deserve.